a little life update to usher in spring

    Wow. It has been a while since I have last popped in, but I assure you I have not forgotten this lovely place, and all you lovely people. I've had a few post ideas, and have been chipping away on a book review in my free time, and thought it's not actually done, I have been thinking about how much I miss this blog. However, life changes and so do we all, thus that is all the remorse I will offer.

   I'm sitting in my bedroom wearing my self dubbed 'old British man sweater', drinking Earl Grey tea, (God's gift to this earth, I assure you) with the Dirty Dancing soundtrack blaring, and twinkle lights in full glory. I have a quite moment, and thus emerges this little life update.

Lately I've been:


    My reading schedule as of late has been shockingly lazy. I am realizing that I no longer read as much as I used too; something that saddens me and yet is inevitable. That being said, I am still plugging away on more classic and literature-esqe novels. I started reading The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner, and let me say, that is the most infuriating book I have ever attempted to read. It's written in a very rebellious fashion, with little to no punctuation or organization of thought; instead the story is driving mostly by the emotions that are picked up on by the reader. It's confusing and annoying and a struggle.
    Thus, for the moment, I have passed it over in favour of a new read; The Road by Cormac McCarthy; an author who I have just been introduced to as of this year. It's the first novel of his that I've read, and so far, it's beautifully devastating. Set in post-apocolyptic America, it follows the hopeless journey of a father and son, and touches on the importance of love, and kindness. I'm not far into it, but dang is it beautiful.

    Books on the horizon include finishing The Sound and the Fury, a re-read of The Book Thief. 
I have also been occasionally reading and critiquing the work of a friend who has turned out two novels, and has quite a knack for writing. I've never attempted editing of any sort, and I have absolutely loved it. Reading brand new, never read before material is incredibly exciting.

Working on:

   Another show! Yes indeed; I was unable to keep away from the stage, and was blessed with a role in a production of Oliver! . (Put on by the same company that presented Mary Poppins last year!)

   Oliver! is a musical based on Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. It's a wild show, complete with both beautiful moments, and horrible ones. It's got a very different feel compared to Mary Poppins, which has been a lot of fun to work with.
   Auditions happened in January, and I got the role of Bet, best friend and sidekick to Nancy. I absolutely adore her character, and have been challenged creatively which has been so so amazing. Rehearsal have been going on since February, and will continue till May; and thus my Sunday's and Thursday evenings have been swept away onto the stage. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Excited about:

   Oliver! naturally. Show week is a little over a month away. *screams in anticipation and sadness that it's almost done*

   Also, a tour that my high school's music department is going on, to Nashville and Memphis. It happens in less than two weeks. I will turn 17 in Memphis. I am beyond excited.
  I haven't been outside of Canada, exploring a new city in a year, and my travel bug has come back strong, thus I am counting down the days till we leave.

Listening to:

    A variety of things, really. Lots of Hillsong, Cory Asbury and Bethel. *my go to worship music* Bob Dylan is always a favourite, and I have been drawn into some of the beauty that is Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds.
   Definitely one of my more obscure picks, and some of his music isn't exactly wholesome.... but some of it takes your breath away with its sheer magic.

   Young British lads always are a favourite, thus Passenger, Tom Odell, and *gasp* Harry Styles are well loved. John Mark McMillian also has some stunning worship-like music.

    And of course Broadway will always be in my heart, so naturally Wicked, Bonnie and Clyde, Les Miserables, Anastasia and all the rest are staples as well.


    Not as much as I used too. Broadchurch S2, Stranger Things, and The Crown were watched shockingly fast, and I don't really watch as many movies as I used too. However I have a hankering to re-watch the Narnia films, and P&P '05. And The Book Thief.

Oooohhh I did watch La La Land for the first time last night. It was one of the most magical, star-filled-honey-sweet films I have ever seen. The whole film felt like a happy memory of some long gone summer that just fills you with warmth and bliss, and I danced around my house for the rest of the night. That is all.


   How good God is. Through all my doubts, worries, joys and fears, He is faithful and true and full of love. Day after day and week after week, He has been calming my mind, touching my confusion, and breathing life into my weary heart and I am becoming more and more in awe of Him. It was (and still is) a prayer of mine that He would draw me towards His heart, and oh, how faithful He has been to do just that. Little by little, step by step.

  That time flies. I am in my third year of high school, and next year will be my last. Soon I will have every opportunity open to me, and I will be able to chase dreams in bigger ways than I ever have before. And oh my soul is it ever terrifying. And beautiful. And exciting.

   How wonderful growing up can be. How much work it can be. And how above all, it can pull you closer to Christ than you've ever been before.

    And that, my dear friends, is just a glimpse at what my life has been like over the past few months. I'll never be able to fully sum up how full life is, and I'm sure you know that, but I hoped you enjoyed my pitiful little attempt at trying.

What is new in your life? What have you been reading? What excites you? I'd love to hear :)


  1. Loved hearing about what you've been up to! Congrats on Oliver! :D

    I recently finished reading The Light Between Oceans, and OH MY. To borrow a phrase from you, it was "beautifully devastating." Seriously, an amazing read. It got under my skin in an almost unnerving way. <3

    Aahhh, the US trip! Is that the one we've talked about before? YOU'RE GOING TO BE GREAT, I KNOW. God's got this, and I'm so excited you're excited! :)

    The biggest and best of blessings to you and on your future, my dear friend! :D <3 <3 <3 *hugs*

    1. Ahhh thank youuu. <3

      oohhh I've heard of that one!! I totally need to read this now.

      This is actually the second one I've done... The first one we talked about was to Florida, and it went so, so well.

      Thank my dear; and to you as well!!! <3 *sends loads of hugs back*

  2. HELLO!!! Bethel and LaLa Land!!! Both of those things are very dear to my heart.
    Have you heard Steffany Gretzinger's latest album?? IT IS STUNNING (I think so, at least).

    1. HELLO!!!! So nice to hear from you again my dear!

      YES!! Both so so wonderful. Although the ending to La La Land confused and frustrated me if I'm being completely honest.....

      I haven't!! Although I've heard it's good.... maybe I'll have to check it out ;)


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